Exercício de Interpretação em Inglês: Leia o texto e responda às questões – Intermediário

Title: The Wonders of Exploration

Have you ever dreamed of stepping foot in a new place, eager to discover its hidden secrets and treasures? There’s a certain thrill in exploration, a sense of excitement and anticipation that comes with venturing into the unknown. Whether it’s diving into the depths of the ocean, climbing the highest mountain, or stepping foot on another planet, exploration is a fundamental part of human nature.

Humans have always been explorers. Our ancestors ventured out of Africa, exploring and settling in every corner of the planet. From the Vikings who sailed to North America, to the Polynesians who navigated the vast Pacific Ocean, our history is filled with tales of extraordinary journeys and discoveries.

In the modern era, our thirst for exploration has led us to the stars. The Space Age, which began with the launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik 1 in 1957, marked a new era of discovery. Since then, humans have walked on the moon, sent probes to other planets, and peered into the farthest reaches of the universe with powerful telescopes.

But exploration isn’t just about discovering new places. It’s also about learning, understanding, and making connections. Every journey brings new knowledge and perspectives. When astronauts look back at Earth from space, they don’t see borders or nations. They see one interconnected world, a reminder of our shared humanity and our shared responsibility to protect our planet.

So, whether you’re exploring a forest, diving into a book, or gazing at the stars, remember that every journey is an opportunity for discovery. Embrace the spirit of exploration, for it is through exploration that we grow, learn, and ultimately, find ourselves.

As the famous science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke once said, “The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.” So, where will your explorations take you?


  • What is the main idea of the passage?
  • According to the text, what does exploration mean?
  • How does the author describe the feelings associated with exploration?
  • What examples does the author give of human exploration throughout history?
  • When did the Space Age begin, and what has it led to, according to the passage?
  • How does the author suggest exploration contributes to learning and understanding?
  • What perspective do astronauts gain when viewing Earth from space?
  • According to the passage, what are some different ways a person can explore?
  • How does the quote from Arthur C. Clarke at the end of the passage relate to the overall theme of exploration?
  • What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage about exploration?
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